Personal Data Protection Policy

Energy Pool undertakes to comply with current legislation on the protection of personal data, in particular the French Data Protection Act (“Loi Informatique et Libertés”) as amended by European Regulation (EU) No. 2016-679 on the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (RGPD).

Energy Pool reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time without notice. We therefore advise you to consult this page regularly.

For the processing of personal data in the context of recruitment by Energy Pool Développement, the user is invited to consult the website

The user is also invited to consult the site’s cookies charter.

Personal data processing responsible:

Energy Pool Développement SAS, Company registry number 511797904

Head office: Savoie Technolac – 20, rue du Lac Majeur – Parc Ouragan, Building. C, 73370 Le Bourget-du-Lac, France


Categories of data subjects:

This Policy is intended to apply to:

  • Employees of Energy Pool Développement’s partners, service providers, customers, or prospects,
  • Visitors to the premises of Energy Pool Développement,
  • Users of the Website and social networks.


Categories of personal data collected:

We undertake to collect only the data strictly necessary for the purposes for which they are collected: identification data (surname, first name), professional life (company, position), professional contact details (e-mail address, telephone number), image (videos, photographs), voice for the content (articles, videos) of the Site. No sensitive data within the meaning of the RGPD is collected by Energy Pool.

For contact forms, mandatory data is marked with an asterisk. If any of the mandatory data is not provided, your request may not be processed, or its processing may be delayed.

Processing Purposes:

Personal data is only collected by Energy Pool insofar as this is necessary for:

  • The preparation and publication of content (articles, videos) on the Site,
  • The management of requests for information or electricity consumption reports,
  • The management of newsletters,
  • Commercial prospecting,
  • Execution of the contract or pre-contractual measures necessary for the conclusion of the contract,
  • Management of the reception of visitors to the Head Office of Energy Pool at the premises of Energy Pool Développement.


Under no circumstances data will be processed in a manner incompatible with these purposes.

Legal basis for processing

The processing of data collected is based, depending on the case, on one of the legal grounds provided for by law. It is justified either by the performance of a contract, the consent of the person concerned by the processing, compliance with our legal obligations or the pursuit of a legitimate interest.

Data sources

Data supplied directly by the persons concerned by the processing (via the contact form or online registration form, email, social networking platforms, signature of the visitors’ register or issue of a business card).

Data provided by the (future) co-contractor’s staff on the (pre-)contractual documents (contact for invoicing, operational follow-up, and any other contact necessary for the conclusion or performance of the contract).

Indirect collection via open sources: social networks, directories, Internet, and media monitoring.

Data destination

The personal data is intended for use by Energy Pool Développement SAS, the data controller, companies in the Energy Poo group, as well as to service providers and subcontractors when their intervention is necessary for the processing of this data.

The personal data included in the content published in Energy Pool’s website are intended to be addressed to any person visiting the site.

Personal data will not be transferred or shared with third parties for commercial purposes.

Data retention period

Energy Pool undertakes to keep the personal data it collects only for as long as is strictly necessary for the purposes for which it is to be processed:

Objective Duration of Storage/processing
Data published on the website Duration defined in the correspondent authorization
Management of requests for information and consumption reports 5 years
Newsletters Management as long as the user does not unsubscribe via the unsubscribe link in the newsletters
Managing a (pre-)contractual relationship duration of the (pre-)contractual relationship, plus 5 years
Prospects data 5 years
Visitors reception management the current calendar year, plus one year (deletion at 31 December of year n+1)
Legal and accounting obligations duration imposed by the legal text


Users’ rights regarding their personal data

In accordance with the applicable legal and regulatory provisions, the user has the right to request:

  • The access to its personal data;
  • the verification and rectification of inaccurate personal data;
  • an objection or restriction to the processing or usage of its personal data if it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it is to be processed;
  • erasure (right to be forgotten) of their personal data if it is no longer required for the purposes for which it is to be processed:
  • to be clearly informed about the way its personal data is being used or processed;
  • the portability of its personal data.
  • the dereferencing or dissociation of first and last names from content visible in a search engine.


If you make a request Energy Pool has one (1) month to treat and respond to the user.

These rights may be exercised at any time by sending a letter or e-mail to the following address:

Energy Pool Développement
communications department
20 rue du Lac Majeur
Parc Ouragan, Building. C
73370 Le Bourget-du-Lac

The user also has the right to lodge a complaint to the CNIL[1].

Security measures

Throughout the personal data processing period, Energy Pool implements all necessary means, in particular appropriate technical and organizational measures, to ensure their confidentiality and security, so as to prevent their damage, deletion or access by unauthorized third parties.

In particular, Energy Pool endeavors to use secure servers, firewalls and access rights management systems.

Access to personal data is strictly limited to the company’s employees, authorized to process them by virtue of their duties and subject to an obligation of confidentiality. Energy Pool will ensure that the personal data processed is adequate, relevant and limited.

Data Transfer – Storage

The personal data contained in the content published on the site and the publications and exchanges on social networking platforms can be accessed outside the European Union due to their presence on the Internet.

Other kinds of personal data will not be transferred/stored outside the European Union. The storage of personal data in France is preferred by Energy Pool. However, if a transfer of data outside the European Economic Area is envisaged, we undertake to provide appropriate security guarantees in accordance with the regulations in force.

Automated decision-making

The processing does not involve automated decision-making.

[1] The French Data Protection Authority (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés « CNIL »)